Detox your home

Detox your Home is Victoria’s free household chemical collection service. Pop-up events are held throughout Melbourne and across regional Victoria.

At the events, you can safely dispose of unwanted everyday household chemicals such as bleach, pesticides, weed killers, cleaning products, cosmetics and cooking oil without harming your health or the environment.



Why take your household chemicals to Detox your Home?

Household chemicals can be dangerous and should never be put in your rubbish bins or poured down the drain. Incorrect disposal and storage may harm your family, friends and pets, add extra fuel to a house fire, release toxic fumes and pollute the environment.

Taking your chemicals to a Detox your Home event means they will be recycled or safely disposed of, which:

  • reduces the risk of poisoning, keeping your family, friends and pets safe
  • keeps toxic chemicals out of waterways, and
  • minimises environmental pollution and fire hazards


Upcoming Detox Your Home Event

There are no upcoming Detox Your Home events. Please stay tuned for future events here and on our socials.

Residents can check if neighbouring councils are holding a detox event before then via this link.

What can I take to a Detox your Home event?

Acids and alkalis
Aerosol cans
Ammonia based cleaners
Anti-freeze, Coolant
Brake fluid
Car body filler
Car care products and waxes
Cooking oil
Cosmetics, nail polish and remover
Detergents, bleach, disinfectants and drain cleaner
Fire extinguishers
Floor-care products and waxes
Fuels: petrol, diesel, kerosene, other
Glues: water-based and solvents
Hand sanitiser
Herbicides and weed killers
Insect spray and pesticides incl. rat poison
Oven cleaner
Pool chemicals
Thinners, turps and paint stripper
Transmission fluid
Wood preservatives and finishes

And other items found at home with these symbols:



For a full list of chemicals accepted, visit:


What items are not accepted at a Detox your Home event?

Ammunition or firearms
Batteries: car and household varieties
Chemicals used by businesses
Farm chemicals
Fluorescent light bulbs, compact fluorescent lamps and tubes
Gas bottles
Motor oil
