Heat wave extended hours Selected branches will have extended hours for Wednesday 12 February. Click here for more information.
Mahjong and Board Games Join us to learn how to play Mahjong and other board games at Seabrook Community Centre - every Tuesday.
Personalised Summer Reading List Fill out a quick form and get an email with a personalised reading list just for you!
Altona Gate Pop-Up Libraries and Council will be at Altona Gate shopping centre from January 6 until February 23. Click for more information.
Term 1 Programming Our regular early years and children's progamming is back. Click for more information.
Tea, Tech and Training Discover the digital world at your own pace with our free Be Connected sessions at the library.
Services Book a computer, find heritage research resources, join a book club, attend a book sale and so much more
Our Collections Explore our various collections, including borrowable equipment and our digital library
Centres of Excellence Council has developed a Centres of Excellence Strategy to increase customer service centres and libraries participation.
Council+ With more than 100 services available to our community each month, we’re making it easier for residents to access these services with our Council+ service centres.