Altona North Community Library

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Altona North Community Library is now closed for refurbishment.

We are excited to announce that Altona North Community Library will be undergoing a much-needed refurbishment.  The current building is over 14 years old and it’s time to modernise the facilities, enhance our services and create a more welcoming space for our community.

Whilst improvements are taking place, a pop-up library is available in the car park outside the entrance to the current library.  Library members and visitors will be able to collect their reserves, return items, use a public PC, and ask questions about Council services.

The pop-up library is open from Wednesday 24 July from 1pm to 5pm weekdays and currently closed on the weekend.

Please note: printing and scanning will not be available at the pop-up currently.

Our new library space will include:

  • New flooring
  • Acoustic treatments
  • Installation of a Council+ video conferencing pod
  • Kitchenette area
  • New shelving
  • Landscaping of the external courtyard
  • A Video Games and Board Games Centre of Excellence


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Corner Millers and McArthurs Road, Altona North 3025  View Map

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