Diana Greentree

Diana Greentree (homegrown hobsons bay writer photo).jpg

Ballet dancer, actress, political activist, doting granny. Perhaps these titles are an odd assortment but each of the 'hats' Diana has worn has given inspiration and substance to her work as a writer. Training in recent years as a professional screenwriter at R.M.I.T. University, Diana combined her acting experiences and her work with children at her drama school in Williamstown to create scripts for short films which were published and distributed in schools.

Her next publishing success was with her novel, The Camros Bird, which was based on her work as an advocate for asylum seekers and performances with Actors for Refugees. Within the fictitious love story told in her novel, Diana has woven the disturbing and heartrending stories of the refugees with whom she worked.

Life in, and connection to, Hobsons Bay

I've been lucky enough to have been a Williamstown resident for the past 35 years. Born in N.S.W. and brought up on the glorious coast of Queenscliff Beach in Sydney, I came to Melbourne at the age of 17 to perform in the original production of The King and I at the Princess Theatre....and never went home again! Living near the sea is very important to me, and I wander the Williamstown foreshore almost daily, loving the beauty of this place and in summer (only), jumping joyfully into the sea.

My son was born here and went to Williamstown Primary School and later Willy High. I loved the fact that when he was young, I could walk him to school down tree-lined streets and could hear the music or announcements that punctuated his day.
And now I have the granddaughter, I can take her to the beach, to a range of playgrounds or to have a 'baby cino' at any number of cafes within walking distance.

The Greentree Drama school which I started here, but sold around 5 years ago, gives me an added connection to the people of the area and I delight in coming across ex students or their parents who tell me about the lives of their children and the positive way in which drama has influenced them.

Why would I live anywhere else?


  • "Take 2", short film scripts and a filmed DVD (2010) Bushfire Press
  • Short story, 'Willy Willy in Woomera', published in the anthology, 'Acting From the Heart' (2007) Finch Publishing
  • The Camros Bird (2013) Horizon Publishing group
The camros bird.jpg


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