WJ Irwin Reserve Upgrade

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Hobsons Bay 360 #8: Consulting with our community to deliver a new outdoor play space

The play space at WJ Irwin Reserve in Altona North recently received an upgrade and is ready for all to enjoy. But did you know that this upgrade came about due to a Pitch Your Project submission to Council?

Pitch Your Project is a great way for members of the community to submit ideas of where Council can make investments and upgrades that would make Hobsons Bay an even more vibrant, welcoming and exciting place.

In 2021-22 a community member made a submission for this play space which kickstarted a journey of community engagement. After hosting multiple conversations with community members, Hobsons Bay listened to feedback and in consultation shaped a concept of how the Reserve’s look and feel would be represented.

The community were asked to share how they feel about various aspects of the draft concept design including their level of support for the proposed flying fox, spinning & climbing equipment, swings and nature play elements. Visual options of the play equipment were also offered for preference selection by the community.

Hobsons Bay is proud to have engaged with over 144 residents of which 86% lived in close proximity to WJ Irwin Reserve in Altona North.

As a result of direct community contribution and collaboration Council received the inspiration and feedback to present a newly upgraded play space at WJ Irwin Reserve. Improvements include:

  • New play equipment and facilities
  • The installation of a picnic shelter, picnic tables and drinking fountain
  • A habitat garden
  • New tree and garden bed landscaping
  • Footpath works

 “I was pleased to have opened several upgraded reserves and sporting facilities over my mayoral term, including WJ Irwin Reserve. It’s great to see this example of community feedback resulting in a fantastic space with many great, new features.”Cr Tony Briffa (Wetlands Ward).


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Visit WJ Irwin Reserve at 16 Hobbs Street, Altona North.

For more information on Pitch Your Project or to view successful 2023/23 submissions, click here.

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a series of stories exploring all corners of Hobsons Bay.