David Colquhoun

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David is 55 years old living with his sister in the family home. He has recently come back from a three year stint in Thailand teaching English as a second language. He likes literature in all its forms: story, poem, song, joke and ditty. He did stand up comedy for four years in the comedy rooms of Melbourne and has been to many countries and was a busker on their streets playing guitar.

Life in, and connection to, Hobsons Bay

I was born and raised in Altona East. I went to Altona East Primary School and Paisley High School: happy and carefree days. I have been a frequent user of the libraries in the Hobson Bay area, particularly the Williamstown library. It is a real resource for 'chilling' and learning. I am also a member of the local gym, Bayfit: a terrific resource for health. I shop locally and my favourite is the 'Circle Shopping Centre' with its great community.


Henry wants to fly, published by Alybooks, 2020, is my first published book. I have more stories waiting to be published.



'Ode to dreaming' won a prize with Arrow Books in 2002.


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