Hobsons Bay 360 #22: Supporting responsible disposal of Christmas trees
One hundred and eighty-five Christmas trees were collected at Council’s Christmas tree drop off event on 13 January 2024. The event was a great way that Council supported its residents to responsibly dispose of their Christmas trees.
As larger tree stumps are not accepted in the food and garden bin, Council organised a convenient way for community members to drop their trees off after Christmas, which also helped reduce waste to landfill.
What did we do with them? All the trees were recycled into composting products or mulch. Including pine chip mulch which will be used by the Parks Team around Hobsons Bay!!
“As a lover of the environment, it’s wonderful to see many of our community accessing sustainability services aimed at protecting the environment and reducing landfill!” – Cr Jonathon Marsden (Strand Ward).
To view more information about environment and sustainability in Hobsons Bay and opportunities for community members to be involved, subscribe to our quarterly environmental e-newsletter, Living Green.

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