English Language Support

There are different classes and support groups locally for people who want to improve or practice their English language skills.

English language courses

Looking to undertake a course or program to improve on your English language skills? Contact one of the local community centres listed below. These courses are delivered across Hobsons Bay – in Williamstown, Spotswood, Altona North and Altona Meadows.

Courses may be government funded or subsidised. Both centres are Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) offering accredited courses such as Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) and the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP), and Conversational English and Life Skills groups, plus many other courses to support people settling into Hobsons Bay and Australia.

For more information visit their websites or call on the details below:

Williamstown Community Education Centre contact Lynne on 9397 6168

Laverton Community Education Centre contact 9369 2726

Conversational English

Looking to practice your English language skills? Try joining a local conversation class or club. Hobsons Bay Learning Communities in partnership with local community groups coordinate free, small and friendly classes for people to practice their conversational skills and make new friends. Here are a few options:

  • English Conversation Class

    Is English your new language? Come and improve your speaking at the weekly Conversation Class hosted by the Hobsons Bay Refugee Network. If you would like to volunteer as a tutor please contact Jill below.
    This is a free class, with tea, coffee and biscuits provided.
    Where: Altona Library

    When: Mondays, 1pm to 3pm (excluding school and public holidays)

    Contact: Jill MacKenzie 0439 994 705 vintage@esc.net.au or Joe Pellone 0431 915 970 joepellone@gmail.com

  • In home English tutoring for people seeking asylum

West Welcome Wagon is a volunteer run not-for-profit dedicated to providing material aid and support to asylum seekers in the Melbourne’s West. West Welcome Wagon may be able to source and match a volunteer in home English tutor for people seeking asylum.

Where: Melbourne’s western suburbs and as per arrangement with West Welcome Wagon

When: as per arrangement with West Welcome Wagon

Contact: referrals@westwelcomewagon.org.au, or to volunteer contact volunteer@westwelcomewagon.org.au