Intermediate Level Fast Track Service
More complex developments
Such as three or more dwellings, commercial developments, small scale apartment developments.
What we offer
We will make contact within five business days of your request for a meeting to arrange a face to face pre-application meeting with a planner.
We will meet with you within 10 business days of arranging the meeting.
We will provide a written response within 10 business days after the meeting that details what will be required in your application to avoid us having to make any requests for further information.
Once you have lodged your application and we are satisfied no further information is required from you, we will move to advertising and reach a final decision within 60* days.
*Note: The 60 days does not allow for any external referral requirements, responding to objections received at advertising, or changes in planning policy outside of our control that may occur during assessment.
What you need to have ready
Our pre-application advice will be guided by the information you provide us, so the more information you can bring to the pre-application meeting the better our advice will be.
For the pre-application meeting; a set of detail plans. We will need to see these plans before the meeting so we can prepare our response.
For your application to not require us making a further information request; all plans, reports and other documentation as specified in our written response following the meeting.
We charge a $450 fee for this service in addition to standard planning application fees. This is a one-off service limited to a single pre-application meeting, followed up with our written advice.
The handy checklist
For a more detailed meeting on your proposal you should have:
- A full set of draft plans and elevations, showing dimensions, materials and finishes
- A copy of title
- A detailed written description of the proposal
- A Planning Property Report for your site, visit This shows all relevant planning controls
- Any accompanying reports that relate to the proposal, such as Sustainable Design Assessment or Sustainable Management Plan, Traffic Report, Waste Management Plan
If your proposal is for a business, you should also include information on:
- The nature of the use(s)
- Operating hours
- Number of employees
The anticipated car parking requirements and vehicle movements generated by the use/development. This includes staff and visitor parking, waste collection and delivery arrangements.
To find out more about our pre application service
1. Contact Council on 1300 179 944 and ask to speak with a planning officer
2. Click here to use our Greenlight system to make an appointment.