Operating hours

Telephone Us

1300 179 944

We offer a centralised telephone system to ensure that you reach the first available customer service officer. Please have your library card handy when calling.  

All sites below are closed on all Victorian public holidays.

Branch hours - updated 30 July 2024.jpg


If you have a question for our Council+ service team or would like to provide feedback on our service you can send us an email to library@hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au and a member of our team will get back to you.


Hobsons Bay Libraries
PO Box 21
Altona, 3018


Hobsons Bay Language Line

(03) 9932 1212

Recorded information about Hobsons Bay City Council,
and access to intrepreting services, is available in Greek,
Vietnamese, Arabic, Italian, Cantonese, Macedonian, Mandarin,
Karen and English.

National Relay Service

If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can call Hobsons Bay Libraries through the National Relay Service (NRS):

TTY users phone NRS on 133677 then ask for 1300 179 944

Speak and Listen (speech-to-speech) users phone NRS on 1300 555 727 and quote 1300 179 944

Internet Relay users connect to NRS on www.iprelay.com.au then ask for 1300 179 944

Further information on the National Relay Service


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