Community demographics, data and research

Hobsons Bay includes the suburbs of Altona, Altona Meadows, Altona North, Brooklyn, Laverton, Newport, Seabrook, Seaholme, South Kingsville, Spotswood, Williamstown and Williamstown North.  The resources below provide information about the people and communities that live and work in Hobsons Bay.


Priority population snapshots

Profiles on priority population groups in Hobsons Bay provide information about who they are, and their health and wellbeing outcomes. 

Health and wellbeing snapshots

These snapshots provide information about issues that impact the health and wellbeing of Hobsons Bay residents. They include gender equity, gambling harm, health impacts of climate change, harm from alcohol and other drugs, and a health and wellbeing profile of Hobsons Bay.

id Consulting demographic resources

These demographic tools provide information about the people that live in our community, the local economy, population growth in the future, and our housing profile.

  • Community Profile presents demographic information from the Census of Population and Housing. The profile is updated annually with the Hobsons Bay estimated residential population from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
  • Community Atlas is a series of interactive maps that displays demographic data from the census at a small area level within Hobsons Bay.
  • Population Forecast provides an estimate of how many people will be living in Hobsons Bay for every year up to 2040, and can be broken down by suburb, age group and household type.
  • Economic Profile presents key economic statistics for Hobsons Bay and information about the area's role within the broader economy.
  • Housing Monitor provides an assessment of housing diversity, affordability, availability, and housing need in Hobsons Bay. 

For more information contact the Social and Strategic Planning team on 1300 179 944 or at