Greening Brooklyn

The Greening Brooklyn project is designed to enhance and beautify Pipeline Reserve. The project will be delivered by Hobson's Bay City Council parks department.

This project is funded by Council and the Victorian Government through funding received from the West Gate Tunnel Project's West Gate Neighborhood Fund.

In coming months, the section of the Federation Trail route through Pipeline Reserve will be upgraded as part of the West Gate Tunnel Project joint venture, including an additional 5000 plants in the reserve. In addition to planting, works will include the beautification of both the entrances to the reserve, increasing available seating, finger signages and solar lighting along the reserve. 


July 2024 Update: 

Remaining works such as solar lights along the trail, beautification of both entrances, seating, and finger signage are due to be completed mid-end 2024.

Consultation: March - April 2023

Community engagement has now been completed. 

Please see our "What we heard" report for more information. 
Greening Brooklyn - What we heard | Greening Brooklyn | Participate Hobsons Bay

Works Commence: May 2023 

The planting milestone has now been completed with over 500 plants planted. 
The remaining work will commence shortly. 

Works Complete: End 2024

Works are on schedule to be completed in end of 2024.


after photo of planting area


Latest News 

Community Consultation has now closed. Works have begun with the project due to be completed in early 2024.

Please click the link below to read the 'what we heard' report and view the concept plan. 

Greening Brooklyn | Participate Hobsons Bay