Kindergarten Infrastructure Services Plan (KISP)

Altona Early Years Hub Picture

The Victorian Government has committed to implement two years of universal funded kindergarten over a 10-year roll-out.

This will provide another year of play-based learning for all three and four-year-old children before the commencement of primary school.

The reform requires an expansion of kindergarten services in Victoria and will be rolled out in stages across Hobsons Bay from 2022 – 2029.

A Kindergarten Infrastructure Services Plan (KISP) has been developed by the Victorian Government in conjunction with Hobsons Bay City Council to support service planning and includes information about:

  • the current capacity and demand for funded kindergarten in Hobsons Bay
  • forecast demand for Three and Four-Year-Old Kindergarten
  • expectations about how demand growth will be accommodated over the roll-out (for example, the use of existing capacity and building new or expanded capacity, and the role of different types of provision)

While the KISP is not a funding document, Local Government and not-for-profit kindergarten providers seeking co-investments through the Building Blocks Capacity Building stream must refer to, and align their proposed project with, the infrastructure need identified in the KISP. 


Hobsons-Bay-Kindergarten-Infrastructure-and-Services-Plan.pdf(PDF, 998KB)


Further Information

3-year-old Kindergarten Information

DET Facilities and Capital Funding Webpage Including KISP Details