H20 Stint Map

H20 Stint Map artwork

Artist: David Murphy
Year: 2004
Location: Bay Trail at Skeleton Creek, Laverton
Materials: Steel and Concrete.


H2O Stint Map takes its name and shape from two of the site’s most remarkable features: its water and its wildlife.

“The water molecule is too small to be seen even through the most powerful microscope, but science agrees on its shape and makeup. It is two hydrogen atoms joined to an oxygen atom at an angle of 105 degrees.“ David Murphy

Migratory birds, including red-necked stints, fly from this wetland, travel 105 degrees northward to the Siberian wetlands and back every year. Just like the tiniest of subatomic particles, these birds trace out the shape of water on the surface of the world.

About the artist

David Murphy’s practice blurs the boundaries of sculpture, physics, sonic experimentation and instrument making. Murphy has studied art, music and construction over a wide range of fields and disciplines to fuel his desire to create eclectic works of intrigue and beauty. Much of his work relates to a search for the unseen that lies at the core of the world around us.

After finishing his B.A. in painting, Murphy went on to work as a carpenter and steel-worker in the building industry, before completing a Post Grad Diploma at the Victorian College of the Arts in sculpture. He then studied music in West Africa and since then has worked professionally as a designer, sculptor, builder, project manager, art director, freelance artist and musician.

Part of the Hobsons Bay Coastal Trail