
All community immunisation sessions need to be booked online  

If you have more than one child/person to be immunised you will need to book separate appointments, ideally one after another.

You’ll notice that our immunisation nurses may be wearing protective items like masks, this is to protect staff and our community from the spread of illnesses/viruses.

Influenza Vaccine

Flu vaccine is available at Council sessions. Immunisation is by appointment only and a separate appointment is required for each person requiring immunisation. New immunisation sessions will be added regularly.

The flu vaccine is free for:

  • children aged from six months to five years
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged from six months
  • adults aged 65 years and over
  • persons aged from six months who have certain medical conditions which increase the risk of influenza disease complications; for example, severe asthma, lung or heart disease, low immunity or diabetes • pregnant women (during any stage of pregnancy)

For healthy adults and children over 5 years of age, the vaccine costs $23.00 per dose payable by EFTPOS at scheduled sessions. Please note local Councils are not part of the Victorian Government free flu vaccine program. This program will be run from GP’s and Pharmacists.

For any questions, please contact our Immunisation team on 9932 1533 or email

The National Immunisation Program will change from July 2018.  These changes include:

  • Pneumococcal (Prevenar 13) vaccine to be given at 2 months, 4 months and 12 months (6 month/third dose moved to 12 months) as there has been an increase in pneumococcal disease in the second year of life.
  • Meningococcal ACWY (Nimenrix) vaccine to be added at 12 months of age (replacing Meningococcal C/HIB vaccine) to give extra protection against more strains of meningococcal disease.
  • Haemophilus Influenzae Type B –HIB (ACT Hib) vaccine added at 18 months of age (moved from 12 months)

There is NO catch up funded for Meningococcal ACWY vaccine.

If you child has an overseas immunisation history, we can add the history to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) and provide you with recommended catch up vaccines required (if any) and an AIR Immunisation History Statement, which is required for entry into childcare, kindergarten and school. Your child does not need a Medicare number to have access to AIR. If your child has been immunised overseas, please contact Council’s Immunisation Team on 9932 1533 or 9932 1512 or

Secondary School students in Years 7 and 10 require immunisation. Information packs were sent home with your child in February. Please read the information carefully and complete the consent card and send it back to school. It is important to send the card back to school even if you do not consent for immunisation to be given. Students will be offered the following vaccinations:

Year 7

  • HPV – Gardasil 9 (human papillomavirus)
  • Boostrix (diphtheria tetanus and whooping cough)

Year 10

  • NIMENRIX – Meningococcal ACWY

If you have any queries, please contact Council’s Immunisation Service on 9932 1512 or 9932 1533 or email us at Further information can be found at

If your child is in another year level in secondary school and has missed out on their vaccinations, please contact Council’s Immunisation Service and we will arrange catch up vaccinations for you.

Under the ‘No Jab, No Play’ legislation, before enrolling a child into early childhood education and care services, you have to first obtain evidence that the child is up to date with all vaccinations that are due for their age, or that they are able to receive.

On 28 February 2018, the ‘No Jab, No Play’ legislation was amended so that an Immunisation History Statement from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) is the only form of documentation accepted for the purpose of enrolling in an early childhood education and care service.

Previous forms of documentation, for example a letter from a GP or local council, are no longer accepted.

From 1 July 2018, Family Tax Benefit recipients will have their payments reduced by up to $737.30 per year for each child not meeting immunisation or health check requirements, where required.

Family Tax Benefit (FTB) recipients will have their ongoing rate of FTB Part A reduced by up to $28.28 per fortnight (or $737.30 per year) per child where:

  • immunisation requirements have not been met, or
  • health check requirements have not been met by FTB Part A recipients who are also in receipt of an income support payment

Recipients who are either in receipt of FTB Part A fortnightly payments, or claim FTB Part A as a lump sum at the end of the financial year, will need to ensure their children are immunised to avoid having their payment reduced.

In addition to the immunisation requirement, FTB Part A recipients who are also in receipt of an income support payment, such as Parenting Payment or Newstart Allowance, and have a child turning four years of age, must also ensure their child has a health check and advise the Department of Human Services before the child turns five in order to avoid having their payment reduced.

For more information please see the Human Services website.

Catch Up Vaccinations

Council will provide free catch-up NIP vaccines for all children up to 19 years of age on an ongoing basis.

If you require further information or would like advice on how to start or catch-up your child’s vaccinations, please contact Council’s Immunisation Team on 9932 1533.  Council’s expert immunisation staff can work out catch-up schedules and give the vaccinations at scheduled or appointment sessions.  This is a free service.

Immunisation History Statement for Enrolment into long day care, kindergarten, family day care and occasional care

By law, to finalise enrolement for your child in long day care, kindergarten, family day care or occasional care you must provide the service with an Immunisation History Statement that shows your child is:

  • Up to date with vaccinations for their age OR
  • Up to date with a vaccine catch up schedule OR
  • Has a mecial condition preventing them from being fully vaccinated.

What is an Immunisation History Statement?

It is a statement from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) that shows what vaccines your child has received and, if applicable, which vaccines are due in the future and when.

All vaccines recorded on the AIR will appear in your child’s Immunisation History Statement.  You don’t need to do anything to get your child on the AIR.  It is the job of the vaccine provide to tell the AIR when they give your child a vaccine and which vaccines they have given.

How do I get an Immunisation History Statement?

The quickest way to get your child’s statement is by using your Medicare online account through myGov or Express Plus Medicare mobile app.

You can also visit your local Medicare service centre or request for your child’s statement to be posted to you by calling the AIR enquiries line on 1800 653 209.  It can take 14 days to get your statement in the post.

If you do not have a medicare card, please contact Hobsons Bay City Council’s Immunisation Team on 9932 1533 or 9932 1512 and staff will help you to obtain a statement.

How do I tell if my child is “up to date”?

Review your child’s most recent AIR Immunisation History Statement.  At the bottom of the statement there is a section titled ‘Next due immunisation(s)’.  If the date of the next due vaccination is in the future, then your child’s immunisations are up to date for their age.

If your child has completed all their childhood vaccinations there will be no vaccines listed under the ‘Next due immunisation(s)’ heading.

What do I do when my child has vaccinations AFTER enrolling?

After each vaccination, you should provide an updated Immunisation History Statement to the service to include in their records.

What is immunisation?

Immunisation protects children and adults against harmful infections before they come into contact with them in the community. Immunisation uses the body’s natural defence mechanism – the immune response – to build resistance to specific infections. Immunisation helps children stay healthy by preventing serious infections.

Immunisation Sessions

Council holds regular immunisation sessions in maternal and child health centres throughout the municipality and evening sessions as listed on the immunisation program. All community immunisation sessions are booked onlineIf you have more than one child/person to be immunised you will need to book separate appointments, ideally one after another.

We are also asking that just one adult accompanies their child/children to the immunisation session. Please do not bring extended family/carers to these sessions.

You’ll notice that our immunisation nurses may be wearing protective items like masks, gloves and eye protectors. This is to protect staff and our community from the spread of the virus.

If you have any queries, please phone Council’s Immunisation Service on 9932 1512 or 9932 1533.

The Victoria Government Department of Health provides information on immunisation in other languages.

What happens at an immunisation session?

On arrival, present your child's health book (green book) and any documented evidence of previous vaccinations given to the immunisation staff member.  If you have any concerns about your child’s health, or concerns about whether your child should be immunised, ask a staff member immediately.

When your name is called, a staff member will collect you from the waiting area. You will then be taken through to one of our immunisation nurses, who will ask if your child is well today and confirm the immunisations due. The visit will be recorded onto the government website and your child's health book will be stamped with the immunisations that your child has received together with your due back date. A common reaction to vaccines sheet will also be placed in the book.  

On completion of the immunisations you will then be asked to return to the seating area and remain at the venue for 15 minutes. This is a precautionary measure in case your baby has a reaction. An adverse reaction to immunisation will usually happen within a few minutes of receiving the injection. Signs to look for are skin rash, facial swelling, pallor, limpness or breathing difficulties. If you are at all worried go back to the nurse immediately.

Are there any reasons to delay immunisation?

There are very few medical reasons to delay immunisation. Babies with minor coughs and colds without fever, or those receiving antibiotics in the recovery phase of an acute illness, can be immunised safely and effectively.  Immunisation should only be postponed if a child is very unwell with a high fever at or above (38.5oC). Immunisation should be arranged for when baby is well again (a week or two later). If in any doubt, ask immunisation staff before delaying immunisation.

What are the side effects of immunisation?

Common side effects of immunisation are redness and soreness at the site of an injection and mild fever. More serious reactions to immunisation are very rare, but if they do occur a doctor or hospital should be consulted immediately. It is important to remember that vaccines are many times safer than the diseases they prevent.

Council’s immunisation team conducts two immunisation sessions at all secondary schools in Hobsons Bay each year.

Immunisation Consent card are delivered to schools in February of each year for distribution to students in Year 7. Consent cards for students in Year 10 will be delivered to schools from February to April. Students are asked to take the consent card home for parent/guardian consent and return to school when completed.

If you think your child would benefit from you being with them for their immunisation, you can bring them to any Council session listed on the Immunisation Program.

Council makes every endeavour to do catch up vaccinations at school. In the event that we have not been able to immunise your child at school, we will send a letter home advising you where you can bring your child for the catch up vaccination.

The recommended vaccines are as follows:

Year 7 Students

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) – Gardasil 9 Vaccine

Male and Female students require 1 dose of Gardasil 9 vaccine.

Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough) – Boostrix Vaccine

All students require 1 booster dose of this vaccine.


Meningococcal ACWY – Nimenrix Vaccine

All students require 1 dose of this vaccine.

Please note that all students would have received a meningococcal C vaccine when they were 12 months of age.  The meningococcal ACWY vaccine gives extra protection against the “A, W & Y” strains, particularly against the “W” strain which is of concern in the adolescent age group, and a booster of the “C” strain.

What happens if your child missed their immunisation at school?

Council makes every endeavour to do catch up vaccinations at school.  In the event that we have not been able to immunise your child at school, we will send a letter home advising you where you can bring your child for the catch up vaccination.


Children aged 4 years old should receive a booster immunisation against:

  • diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio

Hobsons Bay City Council provides show bags for 4 year olds at all evening immunisation sessions listed on Council’s Immunisation Program.

It is a statement from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) that shows what vaccines your child has received.

By law, you must provide an Immunisation History Statement to the primary school when enrolling your child for the first time or when going to a new primary school.

If you child has not received any immunisations, you must still provide an Immunisation History Statement, which states no vaccines have been given.

What is the statement used for?

To keep children safe. In the event of a disease outbreak, unimmunised children can be quickly identified and excluded from school until the risk of infection has passed.

How do I obtain an Immunisation History Statement?

The quickest way to get your child’s statement is by using your Medicare online account through myGov or Express Plus Medicare mobile app.

You can also visit your local Medicare service centre or request for your child’s statement to be posted to you by calling the AIR enquiries line on 1800 653 209. It can take 14 days to get your statement in the post.

If you do not have a Medicare card, please contact Council’s Immunisation Team on 9932 1533 or 9932 1512 and staff will help you to obtain a statement.

If you think your child’s immunisation history statement is incomplete or incorrect, contact your immunisation provider.

Council offers the following adult immunisations:

  • Hepatitis B – adults require three doses of this vaccine
  • Chickenpox vaccine – adults and children over 13 years require two doses of  this vaccine
  • Boostrix (Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis (whooping cough) – this vaccine is free for new parents. Otherwise the vaccine is available at a cost of $40 per dose for adults
  • Pneumococcal vaccine – free for those 65 years and over
  • Influenza vaccine – free for those 65 years and over

Council offers the flu vaccine to all community members each year around April. The vaccine costs $23 per dose, but it is free for children aged under 5 years and persons 65 years and over.

Council provides an onsite workplace immunisation program. For information regarding this program please telephone Council’s Immunisation Service on 9932 1512 or 9932 1533.

We welcome your comments

If you have any feedback about Council’s immunisation sessions or service or would like further information about the immunisation program, please contact us at